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Permalink 09:37:02 pm, by Melba
Categories: Business

Getting the Most from your Money

There are certain securities that everyone aspires for. The day to day basics for living such as nutrition is a must. However we all dream of owning some form of transportation and a home of our own. Education is another key to our success. And as we grow older provisions for our old age becomes a major concern. All these aspirations need money and today there are no shortage of individuals and institutions wanting, willing just waiting to advice us on how to get the most from our money.
Owning a home is probable the most costly financial commitment that most people embark on. Acquiring a mortgage and dealing with all the associated cost is not easy however once that is accomplished you are half way there. The difficult decision is what to do with any lump sums of money accumulated or earned once your mortgage is secure.
One advice that is very popular with individuals with a financial background and financial institutions is never pay off your mortgage. Invest your money and watch it grow, they tell you. I am no expert but based on personal experience I believe that is the worst advice ever.

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Permalink 11:46:56 am, by Melba
Categories: Politics

Woman Time Now

“Woman time now.” These are the words on most Jamaican’s lips since February 25, 2006 when Portia Simpson Miller was declared the next leader of the People’s National Party (PNP) and Prime Minister Designate. Both men and women seem delighted with the choice for the next Prime Minister of Jamaica. Many even agree that Mrs. Simpson Miller is not the “brightest” candidate however they believe her heart is in the right place.
Is “heart” enough to lead a nation? One question on everyone’s lips is, why has Mrs. Simpson Miller been allowed to participate in politics all these years if she was not qualified. PHD or not she has been one of the most ‘visible’ and ‘vocal’ politicians in all the ministries that she has served.

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Permalink 05:11:00 pm, by glennwoodley
Categories: Culture

rolling cow

Rolling Cow and Whooping Bwoy seem the most common duppies ah yard. Rolling Cow tales vary as you say, but sometimes it's a cow with no legs rolling n' mooing, although the sound can also be attributed to Whooping Bwoy. To avoid duppies, the info I learnt was to carry 3 pebbles, and if followed by a duppy, drop them loudly on ground, dem seh 'duppy cyaan count to 3', so the duppy that did ah follow unoo, stop and start count up the pebbles, 1,2, then him confuse n haffi start again, over n' over him go so.. so man can getaway so.


Permalink 06:43:39 pm, by Melba
Categories: Weekly Rap-Up

Weekly Rap-up February 05 – February 11, 2006

Sunday February 05, 2006
 An appeal is being made by the Spanish Town Ministers Fraternal in St. Catherine for business operators who had fled the old capital because of violence to return. During last year many residents and business operators of Spanish Town were fearful of the constant disruptions caused by the members of the Clans Man and One Order Gangs. Reverend Rowan Edwards, Head of the Fraternal said that with peace and harmony returning to Spanish Town the business operators should return.

 Two illegal guns were on Sunday seizes by the Ewarton Police during an operation at Gobay district in Riversdale, St. Catherine. The police team was fired upon by a man armed with two guns. The police returned the fire and the man fled leaving the firearms behind. A Smith and Wesson Magnum revolver, a Taurus revolver and twenty-three .38 cartridges were seized.

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Permalink 10:15:33 pm, by Melba
Categories: Weekly Rap-Up

Weekly Rap-up January 29 – February 04, 2006

Sunday January 29, 2006
 The bauxite company, Alpart , last week presented seven students pursuing undergraduate studies at local tertiary institution with scholarships valued at $620,000. Each university level scholarship is worth $300,000.00 for three years while each college level scholarship is worth $120,000.00 for two years. Darrel Harriman Alpart’s general manager said that the scholarships were an expression of the company’s commitment to youth development in its operating area communities.

 Police Constable Clayton Salmon AKA “Chris” of Johnson Pen in St. Catherine has been reported missing since Friday last week. Chris is attached to the Hannah Town Police station. He was last seen around 11:00pm on Friday when he left home for an undisclosed location.

Monday January 30, 2006
 Barbados, Belize, Guyana, Jamaica, Suriname and Trinidad and Tobago today signed a document entitled ‘Declaration by Heads of Government of the Caribbean Community Marking the Coming into Being of the CARICOM Single Market’ making them the first six Caricom countries to have signed on to the single market. The ceremony was held at the Mona Visitors Lodge, University of the West Indies, Jamaica. Six other countries Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia and the Greadines have committed to membership by March 31, 2006 by signing a document entitled ‘Draft Declaration of Intent by Heads of Government of the Caribbean Community on the Participation of their Countries in the CARICOM Single Market’. Bahamas and Haiti have signified no intention to participate while Montserrat, a British dependency, is still awaiting the authorization from the United Kingdom government.

 On Monday Kevin “Richie Poo” Tyndall former leader of the Papine based Gideon Warriors gang and his accomplice, Brenton Fletcher were found guilty of the murder of taxi operator Jervise Labbon who was killed in August 2003 in Mud Town, St. Andrew. Sentencing for both men will take place on Thursday. Richie Poo who was last year sentenced to 90 years in prison for the robbery and shooting of a businessman in Papine St. Andrew still has several other murder charges to face. Following the capture of Joel Andem the original leader of the notorious Gideon Warrior gang two years ago Tyndall took over leadership and managed to elude the police until last year when he was captured in Montego Bay, St. James.

 There have been reports from residents of several communities in parts of the Corporate Area and St. Catherine of widespread itching. Health Minister John Junor on Monday theorized that the problem may have been caused by heavy winds spreading cow itch pollen in the atmosphere.

Tuesday January 31, 2006
 Members of the Jamaica Gasoline Retailers Association (JGRA) are once again threatening an island wide shutdown of gas stations if Esso continues its lack of cooperation with the Board of Enquiry looking into its controversial pricing mechanism. Last November the JGRA took protest action against Esso claiming that Esso’s pricing mechanism was threatening the viability of its members. The Ministry of Labour intervened in the dispute averting an island wide shutdown of all gas stations and a Board of Enquiry was set up. Now the JGRA members are upset as they claim that Esso has failed to provide crucial information to the Board of Enquiry. They refuse to accept any recommendations from the Board without Esso making the necessary submissions. Reports are the Labour Minister Horace Dalley is expected to grant an extension to the Board of Enquiry to complete its work by the end February. This will be the second extension granted.

 The Honda Civic motor car belonging to police constable Clayton Salmon who went missing on Friday was found on Monday along the Dunbeholden main road in the vicinity of the Bernard Lodge cane fields in St. Catherine burnt to the shell. Constable Salmon left his home in Johnson Pen, St Catherine on Friday and has not been seen since. An extensive search was made in the Bernard Lodge cane fields by members of the Spanish Town police, the Flying Squad, Operation Kingfish and the Caribbean Search Centre without success. In the meantime residents of Johnson Pen have launched their own search of the area.

 On Tuesday Police Commissioner Lucius Thomas announced an eight-point Murder Reduction Action Plan during a press conference held at the Police Officers Club in Kingston. Commissioner Thomas said that the reduction and containment of homicide remains the number one priority of the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) during 2006. The police are aiming for at least a 5 percent drop in crimes with this new action plan. Commissioner Thomas also pointed out that already for 2006 there has been a 23 percent decrease as for the month of January in 2005, 146 murders were recorded compared to 113 so far recorded for 2006.

Wednesday February 01, 2006
 On Tuesday fire destroyed Leodore Aluminum, Steel and Wood Company at 1 Cassia Park Road in Kingston leaving about 40 workers jobless. Fire units from York Park and Trench Town fire stations tackled the blaze whose origin is still unknown at this time. According to the companies management the building was insured.

 At the National Housing Trust’s (NHT) 30th anniversary launch on Wednesday, Prime Minister PJ Patterson announced that as of April 01, 2006 the benefits to NHT contributors will increase. The loan limits for scheme, open market and build on own land will increase from $1.5 million to $3 million dollars per applicant or $6 million for two applicants. The loan limit for service lots and house lots move from $600,000.00 to $1 million per applicant or for two applicants from $800,000.00 to $1.6 million. For home improvement, single applicant goes from $600,000.00 to $1 million and from $1.2 million to $2 million for two applicants. Revisions have also been made to the eligibility criteria. Presently applicants must account for and pay up, with interest, contributions due in the last seven years. This has been reduced to three years.

 According to statistics released from the office of the police commissioner, over eleven thousand deportees have arrived in Jamaica since 2003. In 2003, 3940 deportees arrived, in 2004 the figure stood over four thousand and in 2005, over 3300. Most of these individuals came from the United States and the United Kingdom with about five hundred from Canada. The main offences were drug related however also among their crimes are immigration offenses, illegal possession of firearms, robbery, rape, kidnapping, money laundering and murder. The increase in violent crimes in Jamaica is being linked by local investigators to the increase number of deportees to the island.

Thursday February 02, 2006
 The body of police constable Clayton Salmon was recovered Wednesday afternoon from a 30 foot abandoned well in an area known as Spanish Villa in March Pen , St. Catherine. Reports are that the police acting on information went to the area about 3:00pm where they found Constable Clayton’s nude body which was in an advance stage of decomposition. The Fire Brigade had to be called in to retrieve the body which was removed for post mortem. Constable Clayton’s licensed firearm has not been recovered.

 On Friday February 25, 3944 delegates will elect the People’s National Party’s (PNP) new leader. This was confirmed on Thursday at a press briefing at the PNP’s headquarters on Old Hope Road in Kingston. Delegates will include groups from 57 constituencies, most with one vote each, 225 delegates from the party’s National Executive Council (NEC), 50 delegates from the trade union affiliate, the National Workers Union (NWU) and 46 councilors. The voting will be conducted by the Electoral Office of Jamaica (EOJ) at Jamaica College. There will be 25 polling stations opened from 9:00am to 2:00pm. The new leader should be announced by 6:00pm on Friday February 25, 2006.

Friday February 03, 2006
 A new Courthouse is to be built in Port Antonio Portland by National Commercial Bank (NCB). The 200 million dollar contract which has been awarded to Stresscon Jamaica Limited was signed on Thursday at NCB’s head office on Trafalgar Road in Kingston. The new courthouse which is set to be completed by March 2007 will be located at Boundbrook. The old Port Antonio courthouse is to be used as a branch of NCB.

 Kevin “Richie Poo” Tyndall former leader of the Gideon Warriors gang and Brenton Fletcher his accomplice, were today sentenced to life in prison for the murder of taxi operator Jervise Labbon. Tyndall will have to serve 35 years before being eligible for parole while Fletcher will have to serve 20 years.

Saturday February 04, 2006
 On Friday State Minister in the Ministry of Education, Senator Noel Monteith announced the government’s promise to create 14,000 new school places by September 2007 as part of the plan to transform the education sector. Based on an audit conducted by the Education Transformation Task Force on Schools Island wide, 429,000 new spaces are needed at the primary and secondary school levels.


Permalink 10:27:17 pm, by Melba
Categories: Weekly Rap-Up

Weekly Rap-up January 23 – 28, 2006

Monday January 23, 2006
 On Friday Dale Stavrose, of Violet Avenue, Kingston 6 was sentenced in the Half Way Tree Criminal Court to three years imprison on several counts of extortion. Stavrose who had attempted to extort cash from several business persons in the corporate area was caught in the act during a sting operation by the Organized Crime Investigation Division.

 A new tertiary facility, The World Institute of Medial Services has been granted a charter by the government to establish a campus in Jamaica. The Institution is scheduled to invest about $640 million (US$10 million) in its local operation and is expected to open in September.

 On Saturday, five persons were murdered by the gun in the Kingston 13 area. Three persons, two men and a woman were shot and killed on Langard Avenue. One man was shot and killed on Waltham Park Road and a businessman was found with gun shot wounds on Berwick Road. He later succumbed to his injuries and died while undergoing treatment at the Kingston Public Hospital. The police theorize that the killings were likely gang reprisals.

Tuesday January 24, 2006
 The bauxite mining company Jamalco has started work on a new road at Harmons which will connect sections of the community marooned by a lake that surfaced after the continuous heavy rains last year 2005. The lake which is being fuelled by underground springs has covered roads, cut off electricity and clean water and still appears to be rising. Several families have had to abandon their homes and residents are blaming the bauxite mining and blasting which they claim has disturbed the underground water table. Experts from the Water Resources Authority (WRA) have said that they expect the water levels to peak soon. They believe that the flooding is as a result of the extraordinary amount of rain over a prolonged period and have sited records which confirm similar flooding in Harmons long before bauxite mining.

 During an operation on Monday by members of the Professional Standard Branch and the Flying Squad detectives at a garage on Phidds Road in Kingston 13, three motor vehicles were seized. Two of the vehicles which had their license plates removed were stolen. Reports are that a cop who was arrested last year in connection with a stolen car ring is believed to be involved. Two men who were picked up during the operation were also held for questioning.

Wednesday January 25, 2006
 According to the Ministry of Labour, Jamaica received just under $700 million Jamaican dollars (US 10.8million) or 20 percent of the gross earnings of Jamaicans on overseas work programme last year despite the cap on the number of Caribbean workers allowed into the United States under the H-2B programme. The H-2B is the overseas work programme in North American hotels.

 The House of Representative has approved a Resolution for the government to consider legislation to discourage the theft of cellular phones. The legislation would make it illegal for anyone to tamper or adjust the International Mobile Equipment identification number of mobile GSM phones; make it compulsory for all service provider to participate in a national database of all cell phones in the island, which would be connected with other GSM mobile service providers internationally through the GSM association; ensure that all GSM units which have been blacklisted in the database are barred from local networks; and ensure that in the event of theft, the instrument can be shut down or blocked by the service provider upon request by owner, once ownership can be established. The Commerce, Science and Technology Ministry in conjunction with the security forces and the providers will now need to prepare the appropriate drafting instructions for the legislation in keeping with the recommendation of the motion for approval by Cabinet before it is returned to the House for consideration.

Thursday January 26, 2006
 The Jamaican Defense Force Engineering Regiment and Operation Kingfish operatives on Thursday morning destroyed an illegal airstrip in Braes River, St. Elizabeth. The runway was wired with explosives that made 12 large craters on the surface. Inspector Steve Brown, Information officer attached to Operation Kingfish said that this action was taken based on reports that the airstrip was being used to traffic illegal drugs This is the forth airstrip to be destroyed in recent months. The others were Lilliput, St. James; Hector’s River, Portland; and Four Paths, Clarendon.

 The Nightingale Grove Citizens Association in Ct. Catherine has found a lawyer to represent them in their case against the St. Catherine Parish Council and Bushy Park Estate Limited regarding the flooding in the housing scheme. President of the Association, Samuel Clunis has produced several documents which reveal that in 1974 both the Ministry of Agriculture and the Town Planning Department objected to the development. Due to the heavy rains in October 2005 the nearby Cobourne River went into spate, flooding several homes in the scheme.

Friday January 27, 2006
 Local Government Elections are due this year and Mayor of Kingston, Desmond McKenzie who had three years ago vowed to serve only for one term as Mayor is now reconsidering. Mr. McKenzie has indicated his willingness to stay on if he is given the opportunity has there are specific programmes which he would like to complete.

 During a raid in St. Catherine the Area five police held one of the two men who had robbed teachers at the Eltham Early Childhood Centre on Monday. A pistol was taken from the suspect, whose name has not been released. He is to face an identification parade next week. Since the incident, security has been ‘stepped up’ at the school.

 The young Reggae Girls dream of becoming the first Caribbean nation to qualify for the women’s under – 20 World Cup crumbled when they were beaten 4 – 1 by host Mexico in the third place playoff of the Concacaf qualifying tournament. The World Cup tournament will take place in Russia later this year from August 16 to September 02. Canada, United States and Mexico will represent Concacaf in Russia.

Saturday January 28, 2006
 After 18 months the National Works Agency (NWA) is to repair the Ginger Hill/Pisgah main road in Northwest St. Elizabeth damaged during the passage of Hurricane Ivan. Following the collapse of a section of the road in 2004, repairs have been delayed due to heavy rains during 2005. More than $20 million is to be spent and repairs are expected to be completed by the end of March. The roadway also serves as an alternative route from St. Elizabeth to Westmoreland and St. James.

 Councillor for the Petersfield Division of the Westmoreland Parish Council, Laumand Senior has called on the Land Environment Minister Dean Peart to say when the residents of Roaring River will be relocated. Pollution of the Roaring River by the hundreds of squatters living near the river and within the watershed that supports it has been a source of major concern for some time. At least eighty five percent of the water consumed in Westmoreland daily is supplied by the Roaring River treatment plant. An announcement was made in June 2005, by Harry Douglas, State Minister for water and housing, that the squatters would be relocated to 23 acres of land on the southern side of the Roaring River.


Permalink 10:08:46 pm, by Melba
Categories: Commentary

Expected Changes for 2006

The holidays are over and the New Year is under way. What’s been happening in JA you ask? Well a lot of things haven’t changed. The greatest concern is still the crime rate. However there does seem to be a feeling of anticipation in the air. Maybe it’s just the idea of the beginning of the New Year. Or maybe it’s the feeling of uncertainty that comes with expected change. And nuff changes are expected this year.
The hottest topic of all conversations today is about the race for the leadership of the People’s National Party. Prime Minister P.J Patterson has finally announced the date for his resignation. Who will be the next PNP leader and interim Prime Minister of Jamaica? What will this change mean for the country, if any? After all who ever is chosen has been a member of the party all along.

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Permalink 09:05:19 pm, by Melba
Categories: Weekly Rap-Up

Weekly Rap-up January 01 - 07, 2006

Sunday January 01, 2006
The Prime Minister of Jamaica, PJ Patterson and the Governor General Sir Howard Cooke both spoke of the high level of crime as the country's most troubling problem in their New Year messages to the nation. The Prime Minister says the government is committed to ridding the country of criminals who are bent on destroying the country and has been introducing a variety of measures to deal with the problem. The Governor General appealed for additional private and public sector partnerships aimed at creating jobs and on the implementation of social support programmes.
The Prime Minister also spoke of Jamaica's commitment to regionalism stating that it will provide increased economic opportunities and employment at home and throughout the region through the Caricom Single Market and Economy.

Monday January 2, 2006
Jamaica’s cruise shipping industry will benefit greatly from the expansion of the island's two main ports in Ocho Rios and Montego Bay during 2006. President of the Ocho Rios Cruise Shipping Council, Michael Belnavis, said the upgrade of the Ocho Rios and Montego Bay ports is expected to ease the shortage, which has resulted in the island turning away cruise vessels because of inadequate space for berthing. Starting in June the world's largest cruise ship, Royal Caribbean Cruise Line's ultra mega vessel, 'The Freedom Of The Sea', is expected to bring more than 4,000 passengers, plus hundreds of crew members, to Montego Bay weekly.

The Jamaica Agricultural Society (JAS) says its main focus for 2006 will be integrated rural development and stamping out praedial larceny which costs the sector more than four billion dollars each year. The association will be lobbying for the government to remove General Consumption Tax from farm equipment and wants special tax incentives to be provided for companies that build factories in rural communities for processing agricultural produce. The Praedial Larceny Programme which involve the distribution of receipt books to farmers island-wide is to be implemented by the end of the first quarter of this year.

The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Single Market (CSM) took effect yesterday, January 1, with six of the 15 members of the regional bloc on board. The six nations, Barbados, Belize, Guyana, Jamaica, Suriname, and Trinidad and Tobago became the first full members to have completed the legal steps to participate in the trade accord. Another six nations of the 15-member Caribbean Community will join the single economy by the end of March. Other members of the Caribbean Community, Montserrat, which is a British territory, is seeking permission from the United Kingdom to become a part of the single market, Haiti has been suspended from the Caribbean Community because of its political turmoil and won't join the market, while the Bahamas won't join because of local opposition to a provision of the trade accord that allows skilled workers to move easily among nations.
The new chairman of CARICOM, Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago, Patrick Manning has described the CSM as a significant step to regional integration. Under the trade accord, the governments lift tariffs among participating members, and all citizens can open businesses, provide services and move capital throughout the single market without restrictions. The governments will also replace national travel documents with a regional passport by 2007.

Tuesday January 3, 2006
The Spanish Town General Hospital in St. Catherine is to undergo a major renovation and facelift starting later this month. According to David Dobson, acting CEO of the institution, plans are now far advanced for construction of a modern accident and emergency unit and a new building to house the medical records department. Plans for further developments are also to come on stream shortly.

Between Monday night and Tuesday morning cabbage that was recently sprayed with a deadly toxin was stolen from two farms in Three Miles in Claremont, St. Ann. The stolen cabbage could be deadly. Consumers are begin warned to be extremely careful when purchasing cabbage.

At least six people have been murdered in the first two days of 2006. Last year 2005, Jamaica topped the list of the world rankings for per capita murders with a record high of nearly 1,700 homicides.

The Jamaica Teachers Association (JTA) which represents more than 20,000 teachers has submitted its wage and fringe benefit claim to the Ministry of Finance in anticipation of Memorandum Of Understanding’s (MOU) end . The association is seeking a 55 per cent increase over the 2006-2008 contract period along with a range of improvements in its members’ condition of service and expects the negotiations to be completed by the end of March.

Wednesday January 4, 2006
On Tuesday a group of policemen were on patrol in Downtown Kingston when they came under fire from gunmen. Reports are that the policemen took evasive action as bullets rained on them. A child was shot and injured in the incident. Residents of the area later went to the Central police accusing members of the force for the child injuries. Ballistics tests however, showed that none of the firearms carried by the policemen was fired. The policemen are now furious and are calling for the residents to be charged with public mischief.

A Haitian couple was intercepted and arrested by the police over the weekend in the southern part of Clarendon for smuggling in what is believed to be the drugs for guns trade between Jamaica and Haiti.

Thursday January 5, 2006
Resident of Slipe, St. Elizabeth attacked the police after the police fatally shot a wanted man who had reportedly pointed a firearm at them. The angry residents stoned the police party damaging three of their service vehicles. Eight persons including the Superintendent in charge of the St. Elizabeth police, and a TVJ cameraman were injured.

Former principal director of the Grande Central Cambio in Montego Bay, Adrian Armstrong who is wanted by the United States government on drug trafficking charges was ordered extradited at the end of his extradition hearing in the Half-Way-Tree Criminal Court on Wednesday. On May 25, 2004 he was indicted by a US grand jury on drug trafficking and money laundering charges. The United States Drug Enforcement Agency, (DEA), has accused him of having strong links with Colombian drug dealers and using his Cambios to launder drug money. The US agency claims it has evidence and tapes of telephone conversations which implicate Mr. Armstrong.

Of the 19 gates at the newly constructed concourse at the Sangster International Airport in Montego Bay, St. James, six are not clearly visible by air traffic controllers. Transport Minister Robert Pickersgill claims that there is no great cause for concern with the lack of visibility to all the landing gates. The air traffic controllers however are disputing the Minister's claims. They recommend a follow-me-truck system which is used overseas be implemented while the government makes provisions for a new tower,

Friday January 6, 2006
The St. Catherine Fire Department now only has one truck serving the parish as one of the two fire trucks assigned to the Portmore Fire Station was damaged by protesters from Lakes Pen on Thursday . The unit was in the area trying to extinguish fires which the residents had lit in the road when the windshield was shattered. Calls to the Portmore Station are being handled by units from the Corporate Area. The department has been receiving several calls about bush fires in the area.

The Integrated Ballistic Identification System (IBIS) , which was purchased for over US $1.4 million is finally in the island and is scheduled to be installed and ready for full commissioning by February 13. The main segment of the IBIS system which is expected to help solve the ever growing gun crimes in Jamaica will be sited in Kingston, while two smaller units will be located in Montego Bay and May Pen. The new high tech forensic system will allow the police to cross match shell casings, warheads and bullet fragments, linking criminals to crime scenes, boosting the overall crime fighting capabilities of the Force.

Saturday January 7, 2006
Between Friday night and Saturday morning seven more persons met violent deaths as the island's murder toll spirals out of control. This brings the number of murders close to 30 since the beginning of the new year 2006.

The St. Catherine Parish council, the Spanish Town Taxi Association and the police are determined to ensure that taxi cabs do not solicit passengers along Barrett Street opposite the Spanish Town General hospital but use the King Street Transportation Centre has the official point for taxis to pick up passengers travelling to the North Coast. Last weekend several robot taxi cabs were seized.


Permalink 08:31:33 pm, by Melba
Categories: Commentary

Jamaica's Crime Rate a major concern for 2006

Last year, 2005 there were 1700 murders committed in our island an average of 4.6 persons killed each day. Those figures are very alarming and is costing us dearly as it affects our tourism product which is one of the countries major source of income.
Not to make light of the problem, the good news is that over 85%of these murders are concentrated in about ten of the countries most volatile inner city communities. Most visitors to the island have a great time and encounter only the warmth of the Jamaican people and Jamaica’s best.

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Permalink 05:29:31 pm, by Melba
Categories: Commentary

Happy New Year 2006

The year 2005 has come and gone and many Jamaicans will agree that it was a very challenging year. The economy was adversely affected by a very active hurricane season, the high price of crude oil worldwide and the high incidents of crime on the island. Coupled with individual, family and/or financial problems it wasn’t a easy year.
So what does 2006 hold for us as a nation? No one knows for sure. There are some things that we have no control over such as Mother Nature. We can only pray and leave it in the hands of God. Worldwide oil prices is also out of our control.

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Reasons why I love my Jamaican Mom

1. My Mother taught me about ANTICIPATION.
"Just wait till we get home."

2. My Mother taught me about RECEIVING.
"You going get a ass'n when we get home!"

3. My Mother taught me to MEET A CHALLENGE.
"What di backside yu thinkin'? Answer me when me talk to you...Don't talk back to me!"

4. My Mother taught me CONSEQUENCES.
"If yu run cross de road an' cyar lick yu dung, a goin' kill yu wid lick."

5. My Mother taught me THE VALUE OF EDUCATION.
"If yu no go a school, yu a go tun tief or walk an' pick up bottle."

6. My Mother taught me MEDICAL SCIENCE.
"If yu tun over yu eye lid an fly pitch pan it, it a go stay so fi evva."

7. My Mother taught me to THINK AHEAD.
"Is not one time monkey goin' wan' wife"

8. My Mother taught me ESP.
"Yu tink a don't know what yu up to nuh?"

9. My Mother taught me HUMOR.
"If yu don' eat food, breeze goin' blow yu 'way."

10. My Mother taught me how to BECOME AN ADULT.
"Come an' tek yu beatin' like man."

11. My Mother taught me about SEX.
"Yu tink say yu drop from sky?"

12. My Mother taught me about GENETICS.
"Yu jus' like yu faada."

13. My Mother taught me about my ROOTS.
"Yu tink mi come from "Back A Wall?"

14. My Mother taught me about WISDOM OF AGE.
"When yu get to be as ol' as me, yu wi understan'."

15. And my all time favorite... JUSTICE.
"One day wen yu have pickney, a hope dem treat yu same way."


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