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Category: Education

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Permalink 08:21:31 pm, by Skillachi
Categories: Politics, Education, Culture, Commentary

Harry Belafonte's work

Some time ago I had to write a paper on various black people and their influence on the racial equality movement. After my rant yesterday regarding the lack of respect for black history month I decided to search out my papers until I finally found it. No… more »


Permalink 07:03:02 pm, by Skillachi
Categories: Education, Culture

Whatever happened to black history month?

I'm extremely passionate about history, more »


Permalink 07:49:21 pm, by Skillachi
Categories: Education, Culture, Commentary, News

The passing of Professor Rex Nettleford

2 days ago on February 2, 2010 Jamaica lost an icon in Professor Rex Nettleford. Rex Nettleford's death sparked much mourning from the educated and regular Jamaicans more »


Permalink 03:59:29 pm, by Melba
Categories: Education, Commentary

Punishment in Schools

I could not resist commenting on the very sensitive topic of punishment in schools. A lot of us Jamaicans grew up with it and it did us far more good than anything else. Now, I do not agree with outright abuse, for that teacher who broke that child’s arm… more »


Permalink 05:45:06 pm, by Skillachi
Categories: Education, Culture

Punishment in Schools

As I woke up this morning and read the gleaner I saw so many interesting articles I didn't even know which one to write about today. But then I saw one that to me is definitely worth a write up on and that is the issue of corporal punishment in schools.… more »


Permalink 09:21:21 pm, by Skillachi
Categories: Politics, Education

Quality of Judges of the Caribbean Court of Justice questioned

For a few years now, well actually for a long time now, Caribbean countries have all been trying to become more and more independent from our past rulers in Britain. I guess we just got pretty much tired of having to answer to these people who have oppre… more »


Permalink 05:41:37 pm, by Skillachi
Categories: Education, Commentary

What is the purpose of a degree if you cant use it?

So last week Friday I graduated from the University of the West Indies with a B.A. throughout all the congratulations and cheers I was getting from all my family and friends somebody presented me with a question that I have been thinking about since it w… more »


Permalink 08:45:06 pm, by Skillachi
Categories: Entertainment, Education, Culture, Commentary

Vybz Kartel Buttons in Schools

Now this is really not something I should probably talk about seeing as there have been official statements and all stating that Vybz Kartel was in no way involved, but this is however an important thing to speak about. I know I havent been very clear ab… more »


Permalink 01:58:34 pm, by Skillachi
Categories: Education, Culture

National Heroes Day

So today is Officially National Heroes day here in Jamaica and as such I plan to spend everyday this week making posts about our National Heroes. This day is supposed to be the day where we celebrate our Heroes and look back at all they have accomplished… more »


Permalink 01:16:58 am, by Julian
Categories: Education, Business

Changing the view on education

Changing the view on education Apart from food, shelter and clothing, education can be considered to be of utmost importance for each and every one in today’s society. So often have persons been emphasing the importance of earning for themselves a “go… more »

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The Small Sandal Shop

A married couple was on holiday in Jamaica. They were touring around the marketplace looking at the goods when they passed this small sandal shop.

From inside they heard the shopkeeper with a Jamaican accent say, "You!

Foreigners! Come in, come into my humble shop."

So the married couple walked in.

The Jamaican said to them, "I have some special sandals I think you would be interested in. They make you wild at sex."

Well, the wife was really interested in buying the sandals after what the man claimed, but her husband felt he really didn't need them, being the sex god he was.

The husband asked the man, "How could sandals make you into a sex freak?"

The Jamaican replied, "Just try them on."

Well, the husband, after some badgering from his wife, finally gave in, and tried them on. As soon as he slipped them onto his feet, he got this wild look in his eyes, something his wife hadn't seen in many years!

In the blink of an eye, the husband grabbed the Jamaican, bent him

violently over a table, yanked down his pants, ripped down his own pants,and grabbed a firm hold of the Jamaican's hips.

The Jamaican then began screaming; "YOU GOT THEM ON THE WRONG FEET!!!"


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