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Category: Commentary

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Permalink 04:14:31 pm, by Melba
Categories: Commentary

Gambling in Jamaica

I remember when my grandfather used to hide and buy Dropan and Pickapow. The ‘sellers’ used to have to hide and sell, and the ‘buyers’ used to have to hide and buy from the law. Mark you, my grandfather used to have to also hide from my grandmother, but… more »
Permalink 07:12:56 am, by Melba
Categories: Commentary, News

Extradition request for Christopher ‘Dudus’ Coke

One of the hottest topics in Jamaica for the last couple of weeks is the extradition request made by the United States government for Jamaican, Christopher ‘Dudus’ Coke on alleged drug trafficking charges. It is also understood that the Jamaican Governme… more »


Permalink 11:10:39 pm, by Melba
Categories: Commentary

The Jamaica Diaspora

Jamaicans can be found in every corner of the world. I remember being on a bus in Hong Kong talking to my companion when a man rushed from the top of the bus to meet us. He was a Jamaican living there and was so excited to hear a fellow Jamaican. The thi… more »
Permalink 08:59:32 pm, by Melba
Categories: Sports, Commentary

Jamaican Netballers – The Sunshine Girls

After battling for third and fourth place in major netball championships world wide, for many years now, the Jamaican Sunshine Girls are finally poised to move to the up. They recently returned from England where they claimed the silver medal in the Fast… more »


Permalink 03:20:05 am, by Melba
Categories: Commentary

Cuban Refugees 1996

On March 08, 1996, the boat in which fifteen Cuban refugees travelled, came ashore Jamaica in Discovery Bay, St. Ann. The vessel has since been restored and a monumemt along with the boat can be seen today on the site where they landed. It is situated al… more »


Permalink 10:51:25 am, by DaddyT
Categories: Commentary

Hello . . . can anybody help a cyber "tourist"?

Hi from a wet and windy uk. I am working on some research and have been told that Kent Village is also known as "Jacks Fruit". Is that accurate? If so, why? Is the "Cherry Oh Baby" bar still running? A really interesting site - great jokes too! - Thanks,… more »


Permalink 10:41:03 am, by flankerspa
Categories: Politics, Commentary

Are Jamaicans to blame for everything criminal?

I am writing in response to comments made by Radio Jamaica representative, Mr Bernard Burrell, on the BBC Dateline Programme dated 25 June. Some of the areas under discussion by the panel (on which Mr Burrell was sitting) on Sunday were the proportion… more »


Permalink 11:22:50 pm, by Melba
Categories: Commentary


Driving to the North Coast my husband always stops at Kent Village along the Bog Walk Gorge just as you pass Flat Bridge to buy jackfruit. It has become a kind of a family tradition over the years and now we look forward to it. It’s amazing but its seems… more »


Permalink 10:08:46 pm, by Melba
Categories: Commentary

Expected Changes for 2006

The holidays are over and the New Year is under way. What’s been happening in JA you ask? Well a lot of things haven’t changed. The greatest concern is still the crime rate. However there does seem to be a feeling of anticipation in the air. Maybe it’s j… more »


Permalink 08:31:33 pm, by Melba
Categories: Commentary

Jamaica's Crime Rate a major concern for 2006

Last year, 2005 there were 1700 murders committed in our island an average of 4.6 persons killed each day. Those figures are very alarming and is costing us dearly as it affects our tourism product which is one of the countries major source of income. N… more »

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Reasons why I love my Jamaican Mom

1. My Mother taught me about ANTICIPATION.
"Just wait till we get home."

2. My Mother taught me about RECEIVING.
"You going get a ass'n when we get home!"

3. My Mother taught me to MEET A CHALLENGE.
"What di backside yu thinkin'? Answer me when me talk to you...Don't talk back to me!"

4. My Mother taught me CONSEQUENCES.
"If yu run cross de road an' cyar lick yu dung, a goin' kill yu wid lick."

5. My Mother taught me THE VALUE OF EDUCATION.
"If yu no go a school, yu a go tun tief or walk an' pick up bottle."

6. My Mother taught me MEDICAL SCIENCE.
"If yu tun over yu eye lid an fly pitch pan it, it a go stay so fi evva."

7. My Mother taught me to THINK AHEAD.
"Is not one time monkey goin' wan' wife"

8. My Mother taught me ESP.
"Yu tink a don't know what yu up to nuh?"

9. My Mother taught me HUMOR.
"If yu don' eat food, breeze goin' blow yu 'way."

10. My Mother taught me how to BECOME AN ADULT.
"Come an' tek yu beatin' like man."

11. My Mother taught me about SEX.
"Yu tink say yu drop from sky?"

12. My Mother taught me about GENETICS.
"Yu jus' like yu faada."

13. My Mother taught me about my ROOTS.
"Yu tink mi come from "Back A Wall?"

14. My Mother taught me about WISDOM OF AGE.
"When yu get to be as ol' as me, yu wi understan'."

15. And my all time favorite... JUSTICE.
"One day wen yu have pickney, a hope dem treat yu same way."


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