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Category: Health


Permalink 11:27:34 pm, by Melba
Categories: Health

Home Garden Possibilities –Cauliflower

Cauliflower Bed
Cauliflower Bed
In my previous article on home garden possibilities, I had told you that one of the produce that my husband had planted was cauliflower. Well this weekend we were able to enjoy the first of the crop. OK, so I’m a ‘show off’.   I can’t help it. It just fe… more »


Permalink 05:09:10 pm, by Melba
Categories: Health

Home Garden Possibilities

Home Garden Possibilities - Callaloo
In today’s economy more and more of us are finding it extremely difficult to cope.  Going to the supermarket is an absolute nightmare. Everything has escalated by over a hundred percent. A bar of soap for instance, that used to be $30.00 dollars on avera… more »


Permalink 06:55:38 pm, by Melba
Categories: Commentary, Health

Depression – The number one cause of suicide

Growing up in the church we are taught that if one commits suicide there is only one place for them, hell. The fear of an eternity in hell keeps many ‘God fearing’ in line. In fact many develop an attitude of intolerance towards those who would even ente… more »


Permalink 11:01:03 am, by sweets
Categories: Entertainment, Culture, Health

Christmas Ham

Christmas Ham  It’s Christmas countdown, 15 days left for Christmas, the most wonderful time of the year. I get quite excited especially at this time, because my head starts to tick like clock, as to what and how I will prepare for Christmas di… more »


Permalink 06:09:54 pm, by sweets
Categories: Entertainment, Culture, Health

Must have Christmas Meals

Christmas Must Have – Yammins   Going to the market these days you’re seeing the christmas traditional must have, like you can now see the “little tinning cup” filled with shelled gungo seated between some of the gungo still in their secured pod. Each… more »


Permalink 09:36:37 am, by sweets
Categories: Culture, Commentary, Health

Festive Season Dinner

"Yes mi fren!" My favorite time of year id fast approaching, I can feel the "chrismus breez" in the mornings. By now you should have your fruits, soaking up some good Jamaican Red Label Wine and White Rum (what a piece a fira at Wray & Nephew, can yu… more »


Permalink 05:31:21 pm, by Melba
Categories: Health

World AIDS Day

December 01 is World AIDS Day. Since 1988 World AIDS Day has been an annual event organized by UNAIDS. This year however UNAIDS has handed over the responsibility to an independent organization known as the World AIDS Campaign (WAC). This year’s theme,… more »


Permalink 06:52:52 pm, by Melba
Categories: Health

Volunteers needed for New HIV Vaccine Testing

Thirty two volunteers are needed in Jamaica to become guinea – pigs for the new HIV vaccine. This was disclosed by Dr. Peter Figueroa, chief of Epidemiology and HIV/AIDS in the Health Ministry yesterday at the launch of the new vaccine trial. The trial w… more »


Permalink 06:58:21 pm, by Melba
Categories: Commentary, Health

Chain of Hope

Last week a team of doctors from the United Kingdom charity called Chain of Hope performed open heart surgeries on fifteen Jamaican children. The team of ten medical professionals was assisted by ten doctors from the Bustamante Children’s Hospital. The… more »


Permalink 08:03:30 pm, by Melba
Categories: Commentary, Health


Over the past couple of weeks there have been several confirmed cases of Leptospirosis reported in Clarendon. So far four of the victims have died and seven others have been hospitalized. This week 15 cases have been confirmed with the disease in Manches… more »

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Bruk Pocket Jamaican

"Recently, this Jamaican won the 10 million special lottery for a dollar. As soon as the office of the Lottery Corporation was open on the following day, he was there to collect his winnings.

Graciously, he presented his winning ticket to the clerk and in his best English uttered his request "Me cum fi collect the 10 millian dallars, si me ticket ya".

After reviewing and checking the ticket with his manager, the clerk returned and requested on how he would like his payments. The Jamaican replied "Mi wan all a de moni now". "Unfortunately, Sir" the nervous clerk responded, "The procedures are that we can only give you one million now and the balance equally over the next 20 years".

Furious and agitated, the Jamaican asked for the manager, who re-iterated "Sir, my assistant is correct, it is the regulation of the corporation that we initially pay you one million dollars now with the balance paid to you equally over the next 20 years".

Outraged, the Jamaican slammed his hand on the desk and shouted in anger, "Oonu tek me fi idiat, me wan all a de moni now or oonu gi me bak me rass dallar!!"


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